List of MeSH codes (C05)
- For other categories, see List of MeSH codes.
The following is a list of the "C" codes for MeSH. It is a product of the United States National Library of Medicine.
Source for content is here. (File "2006 MeSH Trees".)
MeSH C05.116.099 --- bone diseases, developmental
MeSH C05.116.165 --- bone diseases, infectious
MeSH C05.116.725 --- osteoarthropathy, primary hypertrophic
MeSH C05.116.758 --- osteoarthropathy, secondary hypertrophic
MeSH C05.360.750 --- posterior tibial tendon dysfunction
MeSH C05.390.110 --- hand deformities, acquired
MeSH C05.390.408 --- hand deformities, congenital
- MeSH C05.550.114.015 --- arthritis, experimental
- MeSH C05.550.114.099 --- arthritis, infectious
- MeSH C05.550.114.099.500 --- arthritis, reactive
- MeSH C05.550.114.145 --- arthritis, psoriatic
- MeSH C05.550.114.154 --- arthritis, rheumatoid
- MeSH C05.550.114.154.114 --- arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid
- MeSH C05.550.114.154.219 --- caplan's syndrome
- MeSH C05.550.114.154.389 --- felty's syndrome
- MeSH C05.550.114.154.683 --- rheumatoid nodule
- MeSH C05.550.114.154.774 --- sjogren's syndrome
- MeSH C05.550.114.154.856 --- spondylitis, ankylosing
- MeSH C05.550.114.154.870 --- still's disease, adult-onset
- MeSH C05.550.114.264 --- chondrocalcinosis
- MeSH C05.550.114.423 --- gout
- MeSH C05.550.114.423.410 --- arthritis, gouty
- MeSH C05.550.114.606 --- osteoarthritis
- MeSH C05.550.114.606.400 --- osteoarthritis, hip
- MeSH C05.550.114.606.500 --- osteoarthritis, knee
- MeSH C05.550.114.606.761 --- spinal osteophytosis
- MeSH C05.550.114.678 --- periarthritis
- MeSH C05.550.114.782 --- reiter disease
- MeSH C05.550.114.843 --- rheumatic fever
- MeSH C05.550.114.843.566 --- rheumatic nodule
- MeSH C05.550.114.843.823 --- wissler's syndrome
- MeSH C05.550.114.865 --- spondylarthritis
- MeSH C05.550.114.865.800 --- spondylarthropathies
- MeSH C05.550.114.865.800.145 --- arthritis, psoriatic
- MeSH C05.550.114.865.800.150 --- arthritis, reactive
- MeSH C05.550.114.865.800.782 --- reiter disease
- MeSH C05.550.114.865.800.850 --- spondylitis, ankylosing
MeSH C05.550.515 --- joint deformities, acquired
MeSH C05.550.648 --- osteoarthropathy, primary hypertrophic
MeSH C05.550.684 --- osteoarthropathy, secondary hypertrophic
MeSH C05.651.243 --- craniomandibular disorders
MeSH C05.651.550 --- myofascial pain syndromes
MeSH C05.660 --- musculoskeletal abnormalities
MeSH C05.660.585 --- limb deformities, congenital
MeSH C05.799.440 --- hyperostosis, sternocostoclavicular